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Watchguard Cloud

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WatchGuard Cloud Visibility provides full visibility into your network so that you can make timely, informed, and effective decisions about your network security anywhere, anytime. The platform displays 100+ dashboards and reports that allow you to quickly see high-level trends and anomalies then drill down into detailed information on each. An on-premises visibility solution is available for those who do not want to move to the Cloud: WatchGuard Dimension. Dimension provides the big data visibility and reporting tools that uniquely identify and distill key network security threats, issues and trends, accelerating the ability to set meaningful security policies across the network.

From the board room to the branch office, critical responses to network security scenarios need to be made quickly to avoid additional data loss and network outages – yet there’s no time to make sense of days or weeks of raw data. This is when you most need your data visualized and presented from the Cloud so that you can get the information you need and take action immediately. This kind of visibility dashboard is now an essential tool for today’s network security solutions.

WatchGuard Cloud Visibility provides full visibility into your network so that you can make timely, informed, and effective decisions about your network security anywhere, anytime. The platform displays 100+ dashboards and reports that allow you to quickly see high-level trends and anomalies then drill down into detailed information on each.


  • Access 100+ reports and dashboards
  • Quickly distill network data into actionable insights
  • View the big picture, then drill down into the details
  • No infrastructure to set up or maintain
  • Cloud-based scalability
  • Flexible and scalable multi-tier, multi-tenant account structure
  • Automated Notifications and Alerts
  • Simplified Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Intuitive User Interface
  • Flexible Data Retention